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Year 3


Class Teacher: Mr Purchase

Supportive Teaching Team: Mrs Brewer and Miss Moreton

Term One 

Our value this term: Thankfulness

This term our enquiry will be "How has electricity improved life?'


In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘Too Small Tola’ by Atinuke. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text and exploring new vocabulary such as convoy, whirring, and judder. In writing, we will be working towards writing our own set of instructions on how to construct a circuit; linking to our enquiry question. 


In Maths this term, children will be adding and subtracting across 10s, to secure the number sense taught in Year 2 and understanding how to bridge across and through the tens. In the term, two children will develop their understanding and confidence with numbers up to 1000. Throughout the term, children will be practising their timetables to ensure confidence and fluency. 


As scientists this term, we will be looking at Electricity. We will build up our learning to answer our question: ‘How has electricity changed and improved our lives?’. This involves learning about what our life looks like with electricity and what it looked like without. We will be able to identify and construct a simple series electrical circuit.


As artists this term, we will be exploring warm and cool colours. We will also compare and analyse pop art by influential artists such as Andy Warhol. 


Our topic for Term one PSHE is 'Being me in my world'. This dives into how to make our community and school a better place, children's right to learn and how to care for other people's feelings. In term two, our topic is 'Celebrating Difference'. This focusses on acceptance of others, problem-solving, bullying and how every person is different. 


This term in PE, our unit of work is Personal Skills, with a physical focus on Coordination: Floor Movement Patterns, for the first 3 lessons and on Static Balance: 1 Leg Standing, coordination for the remaining 3 lessons. In year 3, we will also have swimming lessons. Swimming is a fun activity, but it is also very important for safety and our health.