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Year 6

Follow our Y6 Crew on X (Twitter): @MMontgomBerrow

Class Teacher: Mrs Montgomery

Supportive Teching Team: Mrs Hunt, Mrs Burnett, Mrs Wall and Mrs Tarran 

Term 1: Monday 4th September - Thursday 17th October

Our value this term: Thankfulness

This term, our enquiry will be 'Why must we remember?'

Term One

Welcome back to our Year 6 Crew and their families! We have a wonderful year of learning ahead and many exciting opportunities and adventures planned. Please remember to check Weduc for our latest updates.

Why must we remember?

We will start our first learning theme by reflecting on our current world and remembering wars that have happened in our lifetime. We will then research and learn about the reasons for the start of World War I and begin to understand the impact of the war and its legacy.  As historians, we will explore why the war happened and could it have been prevented, and learn about the Treaty of Versailles. As geographers, we will locate the countries involved in World War II and identify the main trade routes.

Science: Animals including Humans

As scientists, we will be learning to identify and name the main parts of the circulatory system, describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood and describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. Our weekly lessons will involve a wide range of activities, from research and scientific diagrams to practical activities. We will work scientifically to set up an enquiry to measure pulse rate before and after exercise, and learn to write an effective evaluation.


We will start term one with an exploration of our whole school books, 'All Are Welcome Here' and 'Our Class is a Family'.

As readers, we will explore key elements of understanding through our core text, ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’, which is linked to our historical period of learning.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar are taught alongside our writing and are linked fully, allowing children to put into practise what they have learnt.


We will begin the term by focusing on multiples of 1,000 to build on existing place value knowledge. After this, we will explore calculating using known structures in order to secure an understanding of addition and subtraction. In addition to our daily lessons, there will be weekly arithmetic practice and an expectation that all children are fluent in their times tables and division facts.


Our first unit – ‘How can we live and who can inspire us?’ asks us to think about positive examples which people have given that show us how to live, and to learn about values and commitments that have inspired or been taught by founders of faith or communities, leaders, believers and specific communities. In term one we will revisit the Creation Story and reflect on our own character traits, learn and understand about atonement and explore the qualities of Guru Nanak, Desmond Tutu and Mahatma Gandhi.


Our term one Jigsaw unit is ‘Being Me in My World’. These sessions will allow the children to learn and reflect on their place in both our community and the wider world. We will start by setting our whole school and class expectations before thinking about goals for the year ahead. The crew will then explore their role as global citizens and learn how our individual behaviour can impact a larger group. In addition to PSHE lessons, Year 6 children will also develop their leadership skills as they take on the role of Parliament leaders across the school.


In PE this term, we will focus on tag rugby and hockey, alternating each lesson between the two sport applications. Children will build skills, stamina and will learn tactics as well as rules.  Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.


As artists, we will be researching and designing WW2 propaganda posters.  In DT, we will be designing waistcoats.


As musicians, we will explore pace, tone and new vocabulary as we learn a well-loved wartime song ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’ as a class. This will be performed to another crew later in the term.


Still immersed in wartime Britain, we will explore secret codes through a unit of work on Bletchley Park. We will learn about hacking and computing heroes of the past.


Reading: It is very important that your child reads regularly at home.  On completing a book, each child completes a book review task for our Reading Journey Book. They will also complete an Accelerated Reader quiz.  Every child should aim to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week.  An average chapter book should take around 3 weeks to read (Harry Potter etc., a bit longer!).  All children have passwords for Read Theory.

Spelling: We follow the Spelling Shed programme.  Your child has a spelling book and will write their spellings in it each week.  Their Spelling Shed login is also in this book, and they are expected to complete games at home.  Please see the file below for the overview of spellings.

Maths: All children have TT Rockstars passwords in their spelling book.  It is important for children who are not secure in their tables to practise regularly.

Recommended Reading List for Year 6: